Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Well this can't be good!

Over the past couple of days I have noticed some dry or wilted Turf on our 5 week old champion greens. My first instinct is that it was dry and I should water it. that would be a huge mistake because after a few phone calls and sending pictures to some of my colleagues and the people from champion turf farms, we have determined that this is Pythium blight. this can be a common fungus in sunny, hot, wet, cloudy, rainy, stupid humid Florida!

Rest assured,  I have made and will continue to make the proper fungicide applications to rectify this stupid fungus!  I have also gotten down on my hands and knees and screamed at it. (The people that lived next to that green were staring at me for some reason when I was doing that?!?!)

For more info on Pythium blight. Click the link below.

Please pray for me and my sanity as I try to sleep tonight.

These are the things that keep us Superintendents on our toes. Left untreated or undiagnosed, we would have been back to square one.
I'll update later. Hopefully, before the neighbors of the golf course have me baker acted! Cheers.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Just a quick Saturday Update on Greens Grow in

This is day 24 after planting.
Mowing @. 200 .....
Start topdressing and lowering HOC next week. Topping off @ .140 before opening.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Update on renovation Process

We are just under a month of progress in our 2015 renovation 13 days ago we planted the champion greens and we are currently tilling up the tees to prepare for laser leveling.
The weather has cooperated fantastic during the entire process. Stay tuned for more updates!