Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Here's a little video my friend's in Georgia put together to show everyone the details (or at least some of them) of our profession.


Friday, October 25, 2013

It's that time of the year!

Overseeding of greens took place today. We deep verti cut the greens in several directions to create thousands of "grooves" in the Bermuda turf. This step confirms that the seed can get a good contact with the soil beneath the thatch layer. We dropped 2 pounds per thousand square feet of seaside II creeping bent grass and 5 pounds of Poa Trivialis (annual bluegrass)
At seeding time, the greens are in great shape which will ensure a great germination. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

From a fellow Superintendent

I was compelled to share this! 



Good morning,


A good friend of mine recently sent me a link to a video and as I watched it I felt compelled to share with as many people as I could, particularly family, friends, and colleagues. For “cliff notes”, the video is about a father,  daughter, a flag, and a question: “Why did you hang the flag today?”  Putting Up the Flag


With the anniversary of 9/11quickly approaching, we are reminded that our freedoms are not as “free” as we once knew and certain freedoms go unrecognized as even being considered a freedom. As Americans, we sometimes take our everyday simplest freedoms for granite forgetting the sacrifice so many gave and continue to give with the possibility of nothing in return.  


For many of us it could be one last check on your wife or kids while they’re still sound asleep as you try to quietly leave the house before daylight……sipping your coffee infused with your favorite creamer as you listen to the morning weather report along a empty highway……then calling your assistants or mechanics because of an idea or adjustment you have for the daily operations that woke you around 2:00 am……walking into the shop receiving “good morning’s” from your team that may come in different languages reminding you to congratulate one of your young Hispanic guys on his American Citizenship he received just a week ago……jumping into your cart for the short ride to your “actual” office and having that sweet aroma of fresh cut grass hit you while headlights from overpriced equipment beam in all directions……then you make the “turn” to see the piercing light shine through the trees from the sunrise onto God’s glorious creation reminding you of that rhetorical question, “This is what I get paid to do?”


So as I finished the video, it became evident to me the reasons “why we hang OURflag!”






                                         *flag hanging in our shop



Thank you and God bless all who have served and continue to serve for the sacrifice they made giving me and my family, friends, and colleagues


Ryan Mckuhen

Golf Course Superintendent

Jupiter Island Club


Featured hole! Number 13

Par 3 
Measures 99 to 108 yards. 
This green was rebuilt this past summer it was enlarged by 450 ft.² and we created two shelves to give plateaus for putting 
in the past the green slopes severely to the front so it was unfair to putt down the front. 
 now we have some undulations in the green that gives a more realistic chance of making a birdie putt when you hit your tee shot on that shelf. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013